Using Concrete Hardscaping in Your Backyard

You are probably most familiar with concrete use in sidewalks and patios around homes and businesses, but concrete hardscaping can be used in many more multipurpose and family friendly ways. Concrete is a versatile material with many options for personalization. From colors to finishes to textures, your contractor can design an area to your specifications.
Textures Can Tell Stories
If you want a path that integrates into the beach or sand paths near your home, why not use a texture that looks incorporates the look for shells and sweeping piles of wind. For those living near a forest, add playful dinosaur prints, fossil impressions, or scattered fern imprints along a wall or on a path. The concrete trails can also be marked into sections to mimic expensive brick or solid rock pathways.
Color Can Add Customization
Stamping or texturing hardscaping concrete is not the only way to make the area look expensive or bold. Color additives in a multitude of pigment ranges are available. If you want the rich tones of terra-cotta, sea wave paths, or ceramic tiles, you can find exactly what you want by having your contractor mix the pigments until they are the color you love. A bonus to using color with concrete is that it is permanent – no fading.
Play Areas Can Benefit
If you have children, running a path through the yard for the tots to play on can invite them to be active. A bowling area, a climbing wall, or small jumping blocks can add a second dimension to the children’s play area and invite them to elevate their creativity. For nature loving kids, add a coy pond, reeds, and lily plants the children can help take care of.
Benches, walls, and paths have long been a popular method of cement hardscaping, but you do not have to limit yourself to those creations any longer. If you can imagine it, your contractor can probably find a way to create it out of cement.