From Flower pots to High Rise Buildings

Tilt up construction is a remarkable method for creating structures built of concrete. The technique isn’t new, but it works very with advanced building technology. It’s interesting to note that this method of building structures began when a French gardener wanted a new flowerpot that was durable enough to stand up to the elements. Joseph Monier, that gardener, used iron meshing to reinforce concrete for the pot, and from there the process developed as concrete became a popular building material for roads, homes, and even high-rise buildings. Although, Monier was the first influencer for this technique, Robert Aiken, from Illinois, is the man credited with tilting reinforced concrete slabs onto prepared foundations.
Getting Started
Sometimes manipulating panels of concrete, weighing up to 125,000 pounds, workers can put up a structure in a short amount of time. The begins with site preparation and the pouring of a slab that provides a foundation for the molding of concrete panels. Wood forms provide the mold for cement panels, leaving accurately sized door and window openings. A steel grid of reinforcing bars is added to the project, and then heavy equipment is used to lift the panels and attach them to the footing at the base of the project and the roofing system.
Reasons to Choose the Construction Method
There are some important reasons building crews choose tilt up construction. One of the most important reasons is the durability of the construction when compared to metal counterparts. This method is also more energy-efficient than metal building methods. The concrete panels are fire resistant and tend to have safer designs than other building materials, so building owners can expect to pay less on their insurance premiums. This use of this building method also results in a shorter project completion window, resulting in overall financial savings.
Looking Ahead
From that first reinforced flowerpot to high-tech concrete buildings, structures completed with tilt up construction have been around for many years. Builders and project managers appreciate the many benefits of working with tilt up wall construction. You might wonder how much further will this technology will progress?